In the words of someone I love. ” Love you to the end of the alphabet... [and beyond it] “. Here are the abcs filled with love, light and affirmations. Cheers to speaking life and love over each other and our children.

A for amazing and astounding.

B for brave, bold and beautiful.

C for courageous, considerate, compassionate and caring.

D for determined and dedicated.

E for evolving and energetic.

F for fabulous and fun!

G for giving and getting.

H for healing and health.

I for intelligent, inspiring and insightful.

J for joyful and jazzy.

K for knightly and kind.

L for loving and learning.

M for masterpiece and magnificent.

N for neat, nice, natural and neverending!

O for observant and ongoing.

P for precious, persevering and playful.

Q for quissential, quaint and quirky!

R for resilient, respectful and ready for life!

S for special and sweet.

T for talented, timeless, thoughtful, tactful and tenacious.

U for ubiquitous, unique, unconditional, unbeatable, ultimate and unabashed!

V for valorous, valuable, venerable, vast, versatile and valiant.

W for wise and wonderful.

X for xenial and xylographic.

Y for yogi, yielding, yaring and youthful.

Z for zingy, zestful, zany and zen.

Next time, sing with me!

Ps. Love you, all 26 letters!