Fly a Kite and other adventures to have on Windy, Rainy Cold Days

It’s windy. It’s rainy. You have a handful of kids or what feels like a handful. What to do?

  1. Fly a Kite
  2. Collect & measure the Rain using measuring tape, legos, blocks, or even yourself! Does it go past your ankles? Does it go past your wrist? Does it go past your elbow? Does it go past your pinky? Your fingers?
  3. Make a wind chime using recyclables
  4. Jump in puddles
  5. Draw using chalk and notice how it changes into pastel
  6. Make forts with blankets, pillows anything you could think of!
  7. Water play: make magical potions
  8. Shaving cream kind of day! Add food coloring for pops of color.
  9. Paint using water color
  10. Paint on the windows using water drops: have water drop races on the windows
  11. Make rainwater paintings with puddles!
  12. Build using wood, legos, recyclables: whatever your brain thinks up!
  13. Read and act out your favorite books
  14. Karaoke: sing your favorite songs.
  15. Yoga (Kid version!)
  16. Nothing. Get bored and see where it takes you & what could be created.

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